Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Is There Really A God? Why I Choose to be Agnostic....

It seems these days that most arguments are centered around God & Jesus.  God says homosexuality is a sin.  God says abortion is murder, etc (these are other topics I want to get into later).  I love that we live in a country where it is good to have faith.  But at what expense?  We all have faith in something, but it seems like we are going down the road of "you don't believe what I believe, so you are wrong and I am right.  You are going to Hell for your beliefs while my beliefs will get me into Heaven".  Our country, for the most part, has become a religious pissing contest.

I'm not coming out here to say you are wrong and I am right.  These are just my opinions.  I know that you will believe what you believe and if we don't agree, I know I most likely won't change that.  And I don't want to.  That is what our country was founded on and I wish we could get back to that.

I find it funny that so many people put such blind faith into God.  There was a book written about him 2,000 years ago, so he must be real!  In this day of modern science I find it a bit funny that we put so much stock in the Bible.  In the time the Bible was written any unexplained Phenomena was attributed to a god or gods.  Zeus caused thunder and lightning, Apollo made the sun rise and set, etc.  I'm pretty sure most people would agree with me that there isn't a large being in the clouds shooting lightning bolts from his fingers or someone pulling the sun behind him in his chariot of fire.  We now know these are natural occurrences.

But still, here we sit in 2011, listening to politicians fight over things that quite honestly the church has no place in.  The church is not our government.  There are so many religions, it's impossible to make laws that satisfy them all, so why are we even trying?  The church should have no place in setting public policy.  This country was founded on the premise of escaping religious persecution, yet I see examples of that every day.  Ask some "Christians" what they think of Muslim's and they will answer "Terrorist".  Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim (Ted Kaczynski anyone?)

Moving on the the Presidential race.  I heard on the news the other day that Rick Perry's bus tour in Iowa is labled "Faith, Jobs & Freedom".  What does faith have to do with whether he'll be a good leader?  Mitt Romney was attacked recently for being  Mormon.  Again, how does that affect his ability to lead?  When Obama was running in 2007, I recall his ability to lead being questioned  because he attended a certain church.  What does going to church every Sunday have to do with being a good leader?  Most would argue that being religious means you have good what about all those politicians who have cheated on their wives?  Some of them were regular churchgoers, were they not?  I guess I could never be President because I don't go to church.  Even though I have never cheated on my husband, committed fraud, murder, rape, etc, I must have no morals!

Ultimately though, people are free to believe what they believe.  I'm not saying there is a God, and I'm not saying there isn't one.  All I know is that there really is no way to know for sure.


  1. I totally agree. My boyfriend and I talk about this all the time... how people think you have to have religion or faith to be moral. That just isn't the case. Morality isn't determined by religion!

    Can't wait to read more!
    Candice :)

  2. The government should not legislate morality... In fact, that legislation would make for bigger government interfering with Americans' personal lives. I thought that was a big no no for the conservative Right.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. at the request of the original poster, I am reposting her comment:

    From one agnostic to another, *applause*. I have desperately tried to seek out religion because it looks easy to have the "It's God's will!!" mentality when things go wrong. But, I have way too many questions to just blindly follow what a 2000 year old book that's been translated again and again says. Plus, I have a huge issue that many followers of a book that says "judge not lest ye be judged" are the MOST judgmental people I've met. And then they stand behind the book that tells them not to behave that way. It's really frustrating. The IDEA of living a Christian life is romantic... but it's not for me.

  5. I just want you to know, that while I do not follow in the same beliefs that you do, I love your honesty.

    I think this is a very well written post, and even gives me something to think about.

  6. Thanks for reposting that for me!! I dunno why I was hiding how I felt... I feel it 100%. Bold. Italic. Underline.
